Monday, February 21, 2011

this bloody weather

Oh my Gosh. It is horrible outside. The sleet is making things really, truly dangerous. I have to drive with my front right window down because the window is covered in ice! And if I don't turn on the car and press the right buttons TEN MINUTES before I leave for PT or school I will be freezing the whole time and I will not be able to see out my window.



Oh Wisconsin. You little tease.

Guess what is going on outside? Yep. It is snowing. But not just snowing. This is some serious sleet falling on the Wisconsin ground. It started Sunday morning and it has not let up.
Snow would be one thing. It is light, fluffy, sticky, but it can be managed. This sleet? Not so much. Outside most people have to shovel the snow manually. Their snow blowers do not work with this heavy snow.

So I am off to school. Thankfully I take the bus but still... a ten minute ride to the bus stop could prove to be very dangerous. I hope I get there and back safe. And with my car and body and soul in one piece.

But keep in mind this is Wisconsin so anything can happen!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I have not been on here forever!

Oh wow. I have a lot to answer for don't I? I have not been here in so long. Sorry Kelsey! lol.

I better fix that now. Today is going pretty well. I kicked butt in my PFA (Personal Fitness Assessment) and I managed to switch a frustrating History class for a Wilderness cooking class. No seriously, a wilderness course. I hope I have fun in it!
I tried swapping the classes but for some reason it wouldn't work. So I added the Wilderness course first and then dropped the History class. I am still attending school full time (12+ credits count as full time) and now I get to leave school a little bit earlier! Yay me!
I just hope I did it right. I am scared I might get hit with fines or get an e-mail from my teacher demanding to know why I dropped my class without clearing it with her first. If you want to drop a class at my UW college you have to get it approved by your teacher in the classes you are dropping and the class you want to attend.
The Wilderness class is a half-semester course and I was assured that I could drop the History course and take this Wilderness course just fine. I certainly hope so!!